Michael Faimann
Michael was born on February 11 in Irnfritz in Waldviertel, Austria.
He holds that time and again, playing music live to friends and a
good audience is an awesome, exhilarating experience.
His music life began with piano classes during his time at elementary
school in his hometown Irnfritz. After many years of classic piano
classes, Michael began to explore a new musical department – the
jazz feeling and improvisations in the field of jazz standard literature.
Michael asserts that he acquired technical knowledge of the snare
drum thanks to his membership in a brass band. He discovered
the drum set as a teenager during his time at secondary school
in Krems
and became familiar with the international greats of jazz and
rock. The first concert Michael ever attended was a performance
by the
John McLaughlin Trio, instilling in him a passion for music.
Michael spent one year with the Military Marching Band of the
of Lower Austria. Following this, he studied Music Education
at the
University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna and Physical Education
at the University of Vienna. Michael collected first studio experience
with the big band Arkestra in 1996. During his first years in
the teaching profession as a secondary school teacher, he spent
time in sports than in musical activity. In 2009, he answered
to the renewed beck and call of music and became a member of
the rock
band Eardrum Invasion. Since March 2011, he has been responsible
for the good groove at patchwork.fm.
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